Toby's Scripture Study Blog: The Book of Hosea: Symbolic Names          

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Book of Hosea: Symbolic Names

The symbolic names given to the children in chapter one are important. It's also important to understand that just like the symbolic marriage of Hosea to his harlotrous wife would result in unfavorable judgements, the things we set our hearts upon, if evil, will also result in unfavorable judgements for us. This applies to us as individuals or as nations.

Hosea's symbolic children represent the judgements that are to come to Israel for their wickedness and betrayal. 

Jezreel (Pictured Above)
The first child was called Jezreel. "Jezreel" means "God will scatter" or "God will sow". Jezreel is a valley that has seen many bloody battles. It is also the future sight of the Battle of Armageddon. The scattering and sowing could mean two things (and possibly both). 

1) The scattering of the tribes of Israel for wickedness
2) When a crop is sown and then nourished, it grows into a fruitful plant. This prophecy could be talking about both the negative immediate future of Israel and the positive future state of Israel.

The second child is called Lo-ruhamah, which in Hebrew means "not having obtained mercy". The justice of God must always be met. The Lord would eventually pay the price for the sins of mankind, but the price we then must pay is repentance, a broken heart and a contrite spirit. The Atonement was as effective then as it is now, but Israel was not taking advantage of it. They were not repenting and not forsaking. Therefore, they would not receive the mercy they could have received.

The third child is called Lo-ammi, which in Hebrew means "not my people". This sounds pretty harsh but we know that the Israelites were not acting in a manner that made it seem like Jehovah was their God. In fact, they were openly worshipping other gods. A great parallel to this is found in Matthew, chapter 25, verses 1-12, the parable of the Ten Virgins. The 5 that were wise took oil from their lamps and the 5 that were not wise did not take oil. This is representative of being prepared to meet God. Realizing they didn't have any oil, and after unsuccessfully trying to get oil from the 5 wise virgins, they went away to buy oil and while they were away the bridegroom came and the door was shut. Then in verses 11 and 12 it says "Afterward came also the other virgins (unwise) saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not." Unfortunately, the Lord will not consider us His people or His children if we don't serve Him in our lifetimes.

But, for a more positive end to the post, see Hosea 1:7 & 10 for some promised blessings to Israel, not blessings they'll receive in their sinful state, but blessings they'll receive after they have become righteous.

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